On Friday we visited Hiroshima peace memorial museum. To get there we had to get the bus at 6 am, which for me, meant getting up at 4.15 to collect breakfast.
On the way back Alex made a new friend....
The whole day was focused around peace and hope, with a visit to the peace gardens, some readings of poems and delivering our peace cranes to the children's peace memorial.
The picture above was constructed entirely out of peace cranes; inspired by the story of a young Japanese girl who made over 1000 peace cranes whilst sick with 'A-Bomb leukaemia' in the 50s.
On Saturday , we were meant to be doing the Nature section of the Jamboree programme, however it was cancelled because of the scorching weather. This left us with a free day to explore the site more.
Behind Amber and I is the whole jamboree site: a small tent city.
Today was culture day, we got the chance to visit the other units around the site and try some of their foods.
I sort of forgot to take many photos but the food was generally good and the people were incredibly friendly, it was days like that this that we decided made scouting pretty cool.
Apologies for the lack of posts but we haven't stopped since we arrived, and the heat means everything takes longer, plus the wifi doesn't quite reach our site in the far corner of the Jamboree site.
And in the words of Adam Parkes 'who knew raving to Pokemon was a thing'
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