Thursday, 5 June 2014

418 days to go: Fundraising

Hello Everybody

Recently, writing blog posts has been bottom of my list of priorities because of exams and holidays , but I'm back and, hopefully, better than ever!

This post is just a round up of whats been going on regarding Jamboree in the last couple of months.

Chiltern North Fundraising 

My group, Unit 8 Buckinghamshire, and 2 others from Unit 75, which is an additional unit made up of members from Bucks, Berks, Hants and Kent, have joined together to coordinate our fundraising efforts. So far, we have raised just over £1000 from various events, sponsors and donations, only another £6,500 to go!
Chiltern North
Jenny, Sian, Hadley, Finlay, Matthew, Amber and Me ( with my eyes shut)

Our first fundraising event as a group was helping to clear and tidy a churchyard in Prestwood. For a couple of hours, we sawed, chopped , dragged ,burnt and rolled logs to clear the overgrown hedges and trees in the churchyard. Draining work but worth it! 

Just rolling with it

Clearing the churchyard

Cutting down a tree

We have also had an article in the Bucks Free Press recently about our trip. Unfortunately, most the information is wrong but its still nice to get noticed. Read it here   

Our most recent fund raising event was at the 'Big Lunch' in Prestwood. Here, we ran a chopstick game, sold small toys and gifts , and proffered strawberries and cream to all the picnic goers attending. The strawberry selling went down particularly well especially considering we had 12 kg of the fruit to sell and about 7 cartons of cream to get rid of. Overall, we made £160 and had a great afternoon in the sun. Thanks to anyone that was there and supported us ! 

The Big Lunch

Whats coming up ?

We have been avidly planning a Quiz night to hopefully raise a substantial amount of money for our trip. We will be running a quiz with a chili supper, bar, raffle and pudding auction on SATURDAY 13TH SEPTEMBER 2014 at the GREAT MISSENDEN MEMORIAL HALL. Save the date and watch out for more information about buying tickets and coming along, it will be a fantastic evening. Adults only on this occasion though

In a couple of weekends time, myself and quite a few others from Unit 8/75 will be putting up tents, marshaling and acting as security for a local music festival, 'Prestival'. This should be a good earner and hopefully raise more awareness about the Jamboree. If you're there, watch out for us!


I have just passed the £350 mark for my personal fundraising , there is still a long way to go to reach my target. If you know of, or have any jobs that need doing, gardening, ironing, baby sitting etc or wish to support me , please get in contact. 

That's it for now, sorry for the long gap between posts , but I hope this has caught you all up to date suitably.
Thanks for reading 
Lauren :)  



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