Sunday, 16 March 2014

499 days to go : My first Jamboree blog post

Hello Everybody

Lots of people seem to be doing these blogs so I thought I'd join in .

My name's Lauren, I'm 14. As you can see by the title, this blog is about my upcoming trip to Japan for the World Scout Jamboree. For those of you who don't know, the World Scout Jamboree is a huge meeting of Scouts and Guides from all over the world, and has been held roughly every 4 years (with the exception of the war years) since 1920. At this massive event, tens of thousands of Scouts and Guides celebrate the essence of scouting and participate in activities based around the theme of that particular jamboree. In 2007, the 21st WSJ was held in Essex, England and celebrated the centenary of scouting. The last jamboree , in 2011, was held in Sweden and was attended by over 40,000, and in just over a year the 23rd WSJ will be in Kirarahama , Japan.

 Let me take you back to how I first got involved in the World Scout Jamboree!
In July 2013, whilst at my weekly scout meeting, my troop received a visit from an intimidating looking man called Martin Everett . He asked our group of about 20 , who was born between 1997 and 2001, luckily my birthday fell between those two dates , so not really knowing what was going on, myself and about 8 others followed him out to the front of our hut. He told us all about the opportunity that was open to Scouts of our ages. To be honest I was skeptical at first, it seemed like a lot of money and effort for a week in a tent abroad, most the group shared my view and the topic was dropped for the rest of the evening. However , when I got home and told my Mum all about it , she was adamant that I should apply, as apparently attending a Jamboree is considered the highlight of a successful scouting career. I was also a lot more enthused when I checked out the WSJ website, it explained even more about what would happen in 2015. So over the summer, the idea grew in my mind, I wanted to go and would do anything to be selected.

In September last year, I received an e-mail with an application form attached. We had 250 words to explain why we would like to be part of the WSJ , not going to lie, I had a lot to say so reducing my reasons to the essence of why I should go was tough. From what I had heard over 50 people would be applying for the 5 places my Chiltern North district could send to Japan, the competition was on , I had a roughly 1 in 10 chance of getting in. The email explained that those with a suitable application form would be invited to attend a selection weekend in November 2013. It stated ' Here you will live together for a weekend doing activities and challenges to choose who you think would be the best Unit members.' I sent my form off and crossed my fingers, my parents said it would be unlikely I would get on , not to get my hopes up. So for about a month , I pestered my mum every afternoon ' Have you had an email?, am I going ?, have you heard anything? .....' it was endless. But , then the email arrived, 'Congratulations on completing the first step towards your potential attendance at the next World Scout Jamboree'. I was ecstatic to say the least, I had to raise £40 to cover the cost of the weekend that was coming up in less than a month. I made cakes, washed cars and baby sat and raised almost £70, so when the weekend arrived I was well prepared. The selection weekend was a combination of team building exercises, games and presentations. The highlight for me was the 'Come Dine With Me' lunch task, if I say so myself, my concoction of chicken , noodles, onions and chili powder was pretty impressive , or maybe it was the fact we had been stood outside in the rain for and hour and a half that made it so delicious. Anyway, the Sunday afternoon was rounded off with a 1:2 interview with 2 of the scout leaders involved with the selection. To be honest, the questions had nothing to do with scouting or the Jamboree, I was asked what book I last read (Harry Potter)  and  what my favourite TV program was (The Great British Bake Off). I had assumed that the final line up would not be announced for at least a couple of days, so when the phone rang at about 2.30 that afternoon, when I had arrived home , I was slightly surprised when Paul Wooding, the guy in charge of coordinating the weekend, asked me whether I would like to be part of the UK contingent attending the 23rd WSJ in Japan. What I can only describe as relief flooded through me. I had an inkling that I would be in with a chance of being considered to go, but to be told that they were very impressed with my application and they were pleased to offer me a place in the Unit, was probably one of the most satisfying and accomplishing moments of my life. 

So , that was about 4 months ago, the initial excitement has worn off slightly as the size of the challenge ahead of me dawns. I have about £2000 to raise through a combination of group and individual fund raising events , but it's going to be an epic adventure , I just need to get started.

The first meeting of Unit 8 Buckinghamshire was about 3 weeks ago, unfortunately I couldn't go as I was on holiday, but from all accounts it was a great weekend generally consisting of getting to know everyone and learning even more about the Jamboree. I had a private viewing of the presentation they received but it was at my house, which isn't quite the same. I got my first UK contingent scarf and woggle as well as being set the challenge to make an origami peace crane ( or a roadkill goose in my case), which was quite exciting. Next Saturday is the next meeting and will be the first time I get to meet everyone and hopefully learn over 30 new names, Japanese food tasting is on the itinerary and is something I'm particularly looking forward to!                       

 I want to keep a record of my adventure to show to people in the future and as a personal souvenir of my experience, what better way to do this than online- a blog will be perfect. In 2015 , I will be jetting off to Japan for almost 3 weeks to experience the once in a lifetime opportunity that is the World Scout Jamboree, if you want to keep up to date with how my fund raising, name learning and training is going , please revisit this blog. I should be writing a new post this time next week letting you know how my first meeting went and where I will go from there.

Thanks for reading 
Lauren :) 

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