It's been incredibly busy since Monday night, finishing off Ho Ho, catching the Shinkansen and setting up our campsite in Yamaguchi.
To save going into lots of detail, again, here are some pictures showing a bit about what we've been up too.
Amber and I ended Ho Ho with a visit to a popular sushi bar. Because of the time of our train we had 'brunch' (an interesting word to explain to our family). We took the recommendations of our family and tried some fish eggs and some eel sushi.
I can't get over how friendly and welcoming our host family were, they even waved us off at the train station !
By the time we arrived at the Jamboree site, it was dark however this (picture above) is what our site looks like. The whole site is split into 4 subcamps which are divided into Villages. We are in the Northen Hub in Akagi Village, basically the first site in the top right had corner of the 3 km site.
We spent most of yesterday constructing out gateway and since then we've added sheets on each side which people are signing as they come past.
We then headed to the opening ceremony. I honestly don't think I've seen so many people in one place; 40'000 people on one massive pitch all chanting and shouting, waving flags and supporting their country was the most impressive site I think I've ever seen.
We finished off the night with a final wash down in the communal shower, which has ended up just being a massive water fight. It's become common to spend any free time in the cold showers because it's so hot and sticky , it was over 33c yesterday and so so humid.
Today we're doing the global development village programme and potential hosting a party at our site.
So, in the words of Adam Parkes 'We dance non stop, we party till we drop'
Thanks for reading !